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tv   British Prime Minister May Announces Resignation  CSPAN  May 24, 2019 6:56pm-7:04pm EDT

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representative and information on congressional committees, state governors, and the cabinet . the 2019 congressional directory is a handy spiral-bound guide. order your copy from the c-span -- $18.95.e for 1895 pressurer today after from lawmakers to step down, british prime minister theresa -- announced her she was the uk's second female prime minister and became leader shortly after the june 2016 referendum. there is the prime minister's announcement. since inister may: ever
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first stepped through the door behind me as prime minister, i have stuff to make the united kingdom a come any -- country that works not just for a privileged few but for everyone. and to honor the result of the eu referendum. in 2016, we gave the british people a choice, against our predictions, the british people voted to leave the european union erie -- union. i feel as i did three years ago that in a democracy if you give ebola choice, you have a duty to implement what they decide. i have done my best to do that. i negotiated the terms of our exit and a new relationship with our closest neighbors that protects jobs, security, and our unions. i have done everything i can to convince mps to back that deal. sadly, i've not been able to do so. i tried three times.
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i believe it was right to persevere, even when the odds against success seemed high. it is not clear to me that it is in the best interest of the country for a new prime minister to lead that effort. i am today and announcing that i will resound as leader of the conservative and unionist party on friday, the seventh of june, so that a successor can be chosen. i have agreed with party chairman and the chairman of the 1922 committee that the process for electing a new leader should begin in the following week. majesty, theer queen, fully informed of my intentions and i will continue to serve as her prime minister until the process has concluded. remain a will always matter of deep regret to me that i have not been able to deliver brexit. it will be for my successor to seek a way forward that honors the result of the referendum.
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to succeed, he or she will have to find consensus in parliament where i have not. such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise. for many years, great lives ofian, save the hundreds of children by arranging their evacuation from nazi occupied czechoslovakia was my constituent. political time of controversy, a few years before his death, he took me aside and gave me a piece of advice. he said "never forget that compromise is not a dirty word. life depends on compromise." he was right. as we strive to find the compromises need in our politics, whether to deliver government inore
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northern island, we must remembs here. because the referendum was not just a call to leave the e.u. but for profound change in our country, a call to make the united kingdom a country that truly worked for everyone. i am proud of the progress we have made over the last three years. we have completed the work david cameron and george osborne started, the deficit is almost eliminated, our national debt is falling and we are bringing romance to -- amends to austerity. the first shots of the future will be created in communities across the whole country, not just in london and the south east through our modern industrial strategy. we have helped more people than ever enjoy security of a job. we are building more homes and helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladder so people can enjoy the opportunities their parents did. we are protecting the
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plasticent, eliminating waste, tackling climate change and improving air quality. , moderateat a decent and patriotic conservative government on the common ground of british politics can achieve. even as we tackle the biggest peacetime challenge any government has faced. i know the concerned -- conservative party can renew itself in the years i had but we serve ther brexit and people with policies inspired by our values. security, freedom and opportunity, those values have guided me throughout my career. but the unique privilege of this office is to use this platform to give a voice to the voiceless , to fight the burning injustices that scar our society. that is why i brought proper funding for mental health at the heart of the nah -- nih
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long-term plan. it is why i am helping and domestic abuse. it is white the gender pay reporting is shining a light on inequality so it has nowhere to hide. and it is why i set up the independent public inquiry into the tragedy at grenfell tower, to search for the truth so nothing like it can never happen again. so the people who lost their lives that night are never forgotten. union, this country is a not just a family of four nations but a union of people, all of us. whatever our backgrounds, the color of our skin or who we love, we stand together. together we have a great future. strainitics may be under , but there is so much that is good about this country, so much to be proud of, so much to be
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optimistic about. job itshortly leave the has been the owner of my life to hold. the second find -- female prime minister but certainly not the last. i do so with no ill will but enduringrmous and gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love. what does it mean to be american? middle and high school students answered the question for the camera competition. watch all of the winning video sunday 10:00 eastern on c-span. c-span's road to the white house coverage continued with presidential
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candidate bernie sanders at a rally in montpelier, vermont where he spoke with voters and supporters saturday, beginning -- he will speak with voters and supporters 2:00 eastern on sunday. and rolling thunder holds the ride for freedom from the pentagon to the lincoln memorial. following that a rally with remarks by veterans affairs secretary robert wilkie. this begins new and eastern on c-span. eastern on c-span. announcer 2: all week in primetime starting memorial day we have coverage of commencement ceremonies at colleges and universities across the country. featured speakers include maryland representative elijah cummings, acting defense secretary patrick shanahan, former georgia house minority leader stacey abrams, president donald trump and supreme court associate justice sonja sotomayor. this starts memorial day 8:00


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